Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 108.

Weight: 124.60
So today I decided to take a move forward for The Fittest Fat Girl blog and eventually shift the blog into a new direction that is more interactive/social media friendly. And that shift was moving toward Tumblr. I will still be posting new updates to here and the new Tumblr blog - - for those who still chose to follow me here and for those who chose to follow on Tumblr. 
I recommend following over there or RSS subscribe since will be posting a lot of pictorial inspirations, health and fitness articles / fodder there due to the ease of posting and sharing articles within that format. I wanted to create a blog not only to share my story but to share information as well - and the new format there makes it so much easier to update on a regular basis.

I am looking forward to continue to share my progress on here and there! :) I felt as I change and improve that the FFG blog needed to do so as well. I hope you enjoy the posts to come!
Thanks everyone for being so supportive!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 107.

Weight: 124.60

Today's Workout:  

• Treadmill: 43:11 minute - 3.1 mile run.  331 calories
• Zumba: 630-8p - 1 hour.   516 calories

Total Calories Burn - 847 calories

It's the final countdown. It is the week of the race and its closing in fast. So today I did it. I actually ran a "5k" at the gym this morning. I was determined to 'hold' on my strength training routine and focus on running and preparing for saturday's race. I knew that I needed to push myself past the 2 mile marker so that I could know how to mentally prepare myself and also to see how my body is going to react with that extra mile. 

And doing that would require that I hold on everything else and focus on 'running only' this morning. So that is exactly what I did! I was a bit nervous about my noob-self attempting to run the full 3 miles, especially right before going into work, but it was a risk I was willing to take. It needed to be done and I did it!  Granted it was at a much slower pace than I have normally been running my mile each morning. I planned on running really slow so I could test my stamina and mental focus. 

I also put into practice some advice from a post Julie had commented on the FFG FB Wall regarding my daily runs in preparation for this race - she had said to walk for 3 mins in between each mile. So I tried this piece of advice and it did help, especially in between mile 2 and 3.  I think for race day, I will possibly skip the 'walk' between mile 1 and 2. I usually do not have any problems running the full 2 miles. Its the point after mile 2 that I start to play mind games with myself. I think walking for 3 minutes between mile 2 and 3 on race day will break it up and the active recovery will keep me focused on the final jaunt ahead and yet help me keep good time. Not that I plan on trying to 'place' during race day, its just that I have made a personal goal to complete the race within the 30-35 minute mark.

I have realized that with all this timing, I will need to get a cheap little fit band watch so I can keep time and track my pace between miles. 

I've already planned my race day breakfast - oatmeal + banana. However, I know I will need to get up extra extra early to eat as I do not perform well at all with food on my stomach. I figure if I eat at least 2-3 hours before the race, I should be okay.

After I finished running this morning, I am feeling less nervous, more confident and super excited about Saturday. I have been thinking about how far I have come. If someone had told me this time last year that I would be running in a 5k I would have hysterically wheezy laughed in their face and said, "yeah right! no way would I ever run a 5k! that is just insane". And not just a few months ago, I was daydreaming about trying to run and how to get started. And here I am now, actually running a mile daily and doing pre-race practice runs. It's insane at the progress I have made in such a short span of time. It seems so surreal.

But I like it. A lot. And I don't want to turn back, ever!
Needless to say, I am ready for race day to hurry up and get here! I guess I currently have "runners high"! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 105.

Weight: N/A
I managed to get a workout in while out on the road. I did my workout routine at Fitness Depot in Collins, MS.

Today's Workout:  

• 10 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 55 mins
• Treadmill - Running: 12:30 mins  5mph  1 mile    (broke my personal time/distance record)

• Arnold Press: 3 sets of 8 @ 5 lbs 

• Barbell Upright: 3 sets of 8 @ 25lbs
• Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 4 sets of 15 @ 5lbs
• Machine Laterals: 3 sets of 10 @ 30lbs
• Incline Laterals: 3 sets of 8 @ 5 lbs
• Front Laterals: 3 sets of 8 @ 5lbs
• Close-grip Lateral: 4 sets of 8 @ 40lbs
• Wide-grip Lateral: 4 sets of 8 @ 25lbs

I'm not sure how I was able to run, much less beat my own personal time / distance record since my legs were locked up tighter than alcatraz... needless to say that Friday's leg workout was killer.

Great possibilities - I very well may be teaching zumba classes on a regular basis at the Fitness Depot after certification on October 22nd. I am very excited about this possible opportunity and am hoping that everything works out for the best. *fingers crossed*

Hello C's

went shopping today and needless to say it was emotional + record breaking!
I have transitioned in bra sizes from a full 'cup runneth over' 40D to a perfect 38 C!
[insert giddy scream here]  I am now in a C cup! I have not been in a C cup since 6th-7th grade of middle school!

I nearly broke down and screamed for joy while in the dressing room. Of course, I refrained from screaming since that would have been totally awkward. However I did shed several tears of happiness for this major transition!

I have definitely been able to tell that my back has noticed much relief and that I no longer have to take pain medication for all the serious back pain caused by 'thelma + louise'. :) Another joyous gift that I have received from this journey.

Needless to say, I happily purchased several cute bras... goodbye granny bras, hello sassy C's!!!

And speaking of gifts, my sweet, wonderful and supportive D purchased me an awesome gift tonight.
He got me this awesome shirt:

Isn't this the total truth!!! I love it! I can hardly wait to wear it in the gym this coming week!
Thanks D! I love you! And thank you for continually supporting + motivating me! I wouldn't be this far without you pushing me forward. Thank you so much for being my coach!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 104.

Weight: 124.40

Today's Workout:
Arrived: 530a   /   Departure: 745a

• 10 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.  2.25miles  85 calories
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 55 mins  156 calories
• StairMaster: 20 mins  Level 8  100 Floors   215 calories 

Hip Adductors
Total Calories Burn - 456 calories  

• Hip Abductors
Inner: 3 sets of 10 @ 90 lbs. / 1 set of 8 @ 70lbs burn-out
Outer: 3 sets of 10 @ 105 lbs.
• Hip Extensions
3 sets of 10 @ 75 lbs.
• Weighted Squats: 3 sets of 10 @ 20 lbs
• Stiff-legged Deadlift: 2 sets of 25 @ 10 lbs
• Weighted Calf Raises: 3 sets of 10 @ 10 lbs each
• Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets of 10 @ 20 lbs
• Leg Curls: 3 sets of 10 @ 60 lbs
• Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 10 @ 60 lbs
• Leg Press: 3 sets of 10 @ 80 lbs

Needless to say after this workout = Dead Legs.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 103.

Weight: 125.6
I wish that was what my stomach looked like...  :)  perhaps one day... 

Today was abdominal day. Always such the treat since I hate working out abs. However I can tell I am getting stronger since I was able to bump up the weight and add in a new move vs. last week. Much improvement that I am happy about. Maybe a toned stomach isn't just a pipe dream after all...

Today's Workout:
Arrived: 530a   /   Departure: 745a

• 10 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.  2.15miles  85 calories
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 40 mins  114 calories
• Treadmill - Running: 14 mins  4.3mph  1 mile   100 calories 
• Zumba   630p-8p  :   516 calories

Total Calories Burn - 843 calories 

• Swiss Ball Crunch: 3 sets of 15
• Weighted Bosu Twist: 2 sets of 10 @ 5 lbs
• Rope Cable Crunch: 3 sets of 20 @ 30lbs  / 1 set of 20 @ 40lbs burn out
• Oblique Twist: 4 sets of 10 @ 50lbs
• Hanging Leg Raise: 4 sets of 10 @ body weight
I'm debating on whether to rest tomorrow or go in and workout the legs. This weekend I will be traveling again. I will be working out in a gym over the weekend. So I will be doing Shoulders on Saturday. I'm just trying to decide whether if I should rest up taking tomorrow off, if I do, that means I will have to do both Shoulders and Legs in the same day. Talk about whooped!  Anyway, I guess the morning alarm and my body will tell me what to do.... I'll just go with it...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 102.

Weight: 125.80

This morning was much better – mentally – for the most part. I got up at 445a, a bit slow paced of course, but I made my way over to the gym. Once I got to the gym it was game on... I went into my routine like business as usual and turned out a really good workout with enough time to spare for a 2 mile run.

I think I am getting better at running. This mornings run was breezy, I just paced myself, set my own cruise control and away I went. Before I knew it, I was at 2 miles... this makes me happy since next weekend is the race – my first 5k – and I am nervous about being able to run it. But I am feeling more confident that it should be no problem especially after seeing that 2 miles this morning came with more ease.  Of course I say this now and have yet attempted to run that final mile.   I am making it my goal this week to up the ante from running 1 mile everyday to 2 miles every day until race day. Somewhere in that mix, I am going to try to throw in that final mile.  I think having a new super short term goal to focus on this week will get me out of my mental funk.   Let's hope so!

Today's Workout:
Arrived: 525a   /   Departure: 750a
Zumba : 600p  /  700p

Total Calories Burned: 1000

• 11 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.  2.53miles  94 calories
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 55 mins  156 calories
• Treadmill - Running: 28:20 mins  4.3mph  2 miles   227 calories  

• Zumba - 1 hour   516 calories 

Chest –
• Chest Press: 3 sets of 15 @ 30lbs
• Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 15 @ 10lbs
• Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets of 20 @ 10 lbs

Triceps –
• Tricep Bench Dips: 3 sets of 15 @ (body weight)
• Tricep Kick Backs: 1 sets of 10 @ 10lbs / 2 sets of 20 @ 7.5 lbs - to burn-out
• Overhead Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 20 @ 5lbs

On another note - a great yet slightly irritating problem - getting dressed this morning totally set me on edge and nearly put me late for work. It is getting more apparent that I will need to go shopping soon as each day, getting dressed for work keeps becoming a huge ordeal. Todays issue was a Belt. I decided to wear a 'new to me' dress from the consignment store that a few weeks ago was quite snug and slightly difficult to zip up, is now very loose and baggy. I've been cinching up all my shirts + dresses with belts. Its been the easy quick fix solution to the oversized/transition clothing problem. Each day I cycle through yet another belt from my basket that no longer fits. I've had to do 'surgery' on all my belts punching new holes. This morning - practically all of my belts are at maximum hole punch capacity and can no longer go any further. And now my fave belt - an 'old faithful' is now no longer appropriate to wear. Nooo! I think that realizing my most fave belt + wardrobe staple no longer fits sent me over the edge...of mixed emotion - a happy sadness. If that is even possible. SOB!  I am literally down to hardly any belts...what am I going to do now?!  My quick solution to 'taking in' way too big clothing is now practically non-existant! 

I guess this means that I will have to go shopping now. poop. I'm not ready to deal with that just yet. :P  I know its a great problem to have! absolutely! But oh... shopping.. I'm not ready to make that leap yet not when I have more road to travel on this journey... Maybe this weekend, I can go back to the consignment, outlet + thrift stores and find some more super cheap transition items + belts. *fingers crossed*

Despite it all... I am grateful for my new set of 'problems'... as these are good 'problems' to have... and focusing on that is helping me out of my slump...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 101.

Weight - floating all over the place from 125 to 128 back to 125.

Okay, its official. I'm frustrated.  Its apparent I'm bloated. I am floating some serious water weight.  I have a multitude of sources - weekend traveling, not drinking enough water while traveling, being jet lagged and the great possibility of an early hormonal surge. I feel like I am stuck, not going anywhere. I know that is not true... but the mind is a powerful foe. Regardless, its affecting my mood.

However I am trying my darn'dest to not let it affect the quality of my workouts or my routined schedule. I did take Monday off from the gym to try to catch up on rest and sleep, even DH stated last night that I looked beyond tired and that I should get some sleep – he never tells me that unless its apparent.

I did go to the gym this morning and jumped back into the grind (admitting it was an epic battle to get up and moving this morning)... however post-gym mindset, I kept beating myself up that I did not work hard enough.  Total lie. Why? Because you can't tell me that doing 55 minutes of strength training and running a 13:57 mile and attending evening zumba class is not hard work?!  Exactly.  So shut your mouth, Brain... get back to work sweating. No one asked for your soggy downtrodden opinion.

I don't know what my deal is... I don't know if I am letting little snippity comments get to my head and mess up my A-Game... or if its hormones or both...  but I need to suck it up and get an attitude adjustment quick like. I don't have time for this! I've got work to do!

I can tell that this week is going to be brutal. A mental struggle with myself. Let the games begin. Welcome to the Olympics.

Today's Workout: 
Arrived: 530a   /   Departure: 750a
Zumba : 630p  /  730p

Total Calories Burned: 870

• 10 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.  2.15miles  85 calories
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 55 mins  156 calories
• Treadmill - Running: 13:57 mins  4.3mph  1 mile   106 calories  

Biceps + Back

• Bicep Curl - 3 sets of 10 @ 30 lbs
•Back Hyperextension - 3 sets of 10 @ 65 lbs
• Iso-Lat Reverse Grip - 3 sets of 10 @ 25 lbs / last set burn-out @ 20 lbs
• Iso-Lat Row -
grip version 1: 3 sets of 10 @ 20 lbs
grip version 2: 3 sets of 10 @ 20 lbs
• Incline Bicep Curl - 4 sets of 10 @ 10 lbs
• Inverted Incline Bicep Curl - 4 sets of 10 @ 10 lbs / last set burn-out @ 7.5 lbs

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 100.

Weight - 125-126

Pinch for an inch right. I have finally reached a point of opposition in my weight loss journey. Both negative and positive, if there could be such. And excuse me while I rant a bit – My ultimate goal from the very beginning of this journey was to weigh 110 lbs. I made that very clear from the start! This is indeed a healthy weight, according to my doctor and every BMI chart posted up, for my height which is exactly 5 feet. I also agree since that is indeed what I have weighed many times before in my adult life – granted, its been a few years... I know my body and I know where its most healthiest weight is.

Insert critics here.  So now that I've lost 20 lbs and I'm sporting a new slimmer look, people are beginning to tell me that I need to stop where I am. That I am sooo tiny and that I look good, however that I do not need to lose anymore weight.  What did you say?

This frustrates me since: A. It is not in my goal to stop halfway.  B. Its my body, I'm still very much 'fat' even though to everyone else it may just now look like a 'skinny fat'.  C. You people are judging me, fully clothed – in baggy clothes at that!   Clothing hides a multitude of sins - mine being gluttony, sloth and cupcakes. When unclothed, I still look like a soft plush doughy figure.. I'm not ripped people.  I am still fat in various areas - stomach, inner thighs, lower back, etc. These are the remaining 15 lbs I have left to go! Yes, I said 15 lbs.  My frame is still carrying around a lot of unhealthy fat that I had set in mind to get rid of – regardless! And those comments are not going to stop me!

I understand that those may be concerned for my well being. I appreciate that but to be honest I am far more healthier at this point of the journey and will be continuing to become more healthy, fit and tone than I ever was before I even started!  Where was the concerned party during that time?! Being 37 lbs overweight was putting me at risk for diabetes, blood pressure + cholesterol issues not including the digestive / reflux problems I was dealing with while being overweight that is now non-existant due to my better overall health and clean eating!  Where were the same folks of concern over my weight now, during that time?  Oh yes... that's right. Crickets.

Well I'm putting this out there to make it clear again. I plan on continuing this journey. I'm not stopping here. My final goal WILL be 110 lbs. I will not stop half way. I will lose the remaining 15 lbs. Yes, 15! Regardless of how long it may take me....  you will not get into my head and play mind games with me nor try to hinder my motivation or goals.  I will make it! I will be healthy, fit and toned and strong!!!
And naysayers cannot and will not stop me! I am the Fittest Fat Girl – hear me roar!

*climbs off the soapbox*

I will leave you all with one of the comments I have received recently that made me smirk.

"Wait.... you're done right!? no? well how much do you have left to lose? What?!!! 15lbs.?! ha! that is insane! where? you are fine where you are... besides, you don't need to lose any more... you will be smaller than me! you can't be smaller than me!!!... that's almost waif." --this person weighs 116 and is much taller than me.


I do want to thank everyone who has supported, motivated, inspired and positively complimented me. It means more than you even realize! And has impacted + kept me focused and moving forward in my journey. It has been the gasoline to the fire and I thank each of you! Thank you for being so kind.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 98.

Yes. This happened. And yes. I survived. Quite comfortably.
I've never biked this much in one day. Much less in my life! Needless to say, this exceeded my own opinion of my personal fitness abilities – and that I am proud I have made it this far to this level. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 96.

Weight: 125.2

Today's Workout: 
Arrived: 530a   /   Departure: 750a
Zumba : 630p  /  730p

Total Calories Burned: 1036

• 10 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.  2.18miles  85 calories
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 40 mins  114 calories
• StairMaster: 20 mins   Level 8  100 floors  215 calories
• Treadmill - Running: 14 mins  4.3mph  1 mile   100 calories  

• Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 10 @ 30 lbs
• Barbell Upright: 3 sets of 10 @ 10lbs
• Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 15 @ 10lbs / 7.5lbs last set
• Machine Laterals: 3 sets of 10 @ 30lbs
• Dumbbell Bent Laterals: 3 sets of 15 @ 7.5 lbs / 5 lbs last set

Note - I'm having a hard time getting up at 4am. Its a complete struggle. 445am is no problem. But for some reason any time before this is an epic battle with myself. I'm sore from yesterdays Abs workout that I didn't think would even have an effect. Sure it was a serious ab routine, at the time, I just didn't feel like it was good enough since I didn't feel the gut wrenching hard core "burn" while I was working out. However today I most def can! It hurts to breathe, laugh, move, and zumba was torture to the abs.... and I am still sore from the chest + tri workout from earlier in the week. Now let's add these shoulders into the mix and its about to be good times. Thank gawd that tomorrow is Leg Day. I don't think I could physically handle another upper body workout for Back + Bicep day. Oy!
I will leave you all with a great quote I discovered today:
"Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; Sweat will get you change." 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 95.

Weight: 125.2

Of course it took me complaining and kicking it into high gear to finally send a message to my brain in neon vegas lights - I really really really would like to reach my mini goal #2 now.... And last night I finally did. I weighed in at 125.2 lbs! Hallelujah! Mini goal accomplished! 6 days late but better than never or not at all, right?!

So I wasn't planning on taking another progress photo until I dropped to 120 but I've gotten requests again for new progress photo... so here it is... this will be the last one for a while. I'm planning on not posting up another until I get to 117... or better yet... my final goal weight of 110.  I have mixed feelings about the extended progress photo. I don't really see much difference between the August to September photo. Even though I have seen the measurement numbers and personally know that there are differences. I am just not sure if I'm ready to unveil and share the extended one... only because it looks basically the same to me. Or maybe I'm just being weird.  It could be the latter.

However! I did merge together the May photo and the current September photo and holy chumuckla! 

Now that is a difference! It seems so surreal the journey I have made in 5 months! But what a journey it has been indeed! A heck of a whole lot of blood, sweat and tears! And if I were measuring by sweat, it would be 100s of gallon buckets full!

Speaking of sweat.... below is this mornings workout:
note - Running a mile after a serious ab workout is not pleasant. Talk about a total mental battle!

 Today's Workout:
Arrived: 525a   /   Departure: 745a

• 10 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.  2.25miles  85 calories
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 40 mins  114 calories
• StairMaster: 20 mins   Level 8  100 floors  188.34 calories
• Treadmill - Running: 14 mins  4.3mph  1 mile   100 calories  

• Swiss Ball Crunch: 4 sets of 15
• Rope Cable Crunch: 4 sets of 15 @ 30lbs
• Oblique Twist: 4 sets of 20 @ 45lbs
• Hanging Leg Raise: 4 sets of 15 @ body weight

On another note - I'm sore from yesterdays Chest + Tri workout... and oddly enough my arm pits are really sore. its kind of weird. but I'm taking that as a good thing! I've realized its from all those incline dumbbell presses and flyes.  

Tomorrow is shoulder day... should be interesting...

Mango Pico.

I am so in love with Mango Pico de Gallo right now. I eat this with anything.  My favorite way to eat it is with eggs in the morning for breakfast and in my homemade chicken salad which I lovingly call Mango Pico Chicken SaladIt is so good. I love making it because it is not only yummy to eat, its just a beautiful condiment to gaze at. And if I am too busy to make it, I always hunt it down in the produce aisle of my grocer as a staple for the fridge.

Here's how to make your own Mango Pico De Gallo –
Mango Pico De Gallo
1/2 mango diced
1/2 medium onion diced
1/4 cup fresh cilantro chopped.
1 jalapeño seeded and minced
juice of 1 lime
1/4 tsp salt
Combine all the ingredients and serve.   Enjoy!

In the above photo, I am stir-frying (in zero cal, olive oil pam spray) the mango pico and tofu cubes. I first sizzle up my tofu cubes and slices of onion until it begins to golden brown on some of the tofu. To give the tofu some pizazz, I sprinkled it with Ms Dash Fiesta Lime. I then add the mango pico de gallo and sizzle it up until everything is hot and steamy! Ta-Da!  A quick + easy, yummy meal for only 120 calories!
I served this dish with a side of celery and Fiesta Ranch Yogurt Dressing (which is basically plain greek yogurt mixed with 1/8 of a packet of Hidden Valley Fiesta Ranch dressing seasoning 60cals)
Like I said above, I also love putting it in my chicken salad. It is soooo good! And only 215 calories for the entire 2 cup container as seen below. So I have to share my chicken salad recipe also.
Mango Pico Chicken Salad

1/2 cup of Mango Pico de Gallo
1/4 cup each of the trinity - diced onion, celery + bell pepper
6 egg whites.
1/4 cup of pepper relish
1 chicken breast chopped or 1 can of white chicken breast in water
*Note - to keep this "clean" - I do not use any mayo or miracle whip or any sour creams. Another reason I choose to do this is because the relish and pico already provide a moist consistency for the salad. So why add in extra calories if its not necessary?  If you choose to make it creamy, I would add in a low fat plain greek yogurt - maybe a 1/8 or 1/4 cup at most. 
Combine all the ingredients and serve. 
I hope you all find these recipes useful in your everyday low calorie meal planning. And mostly, I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do!   Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 94.

Weight: 127.20

So despite this weekend's new dungaree celebration... I've got to change up my meal plan. Of course, traveling and being stuck inside all weekend has made me retain a pound in water weight. So frustrating! But its not only that... I know that I have been a little bit liberal with my meal plan lately and I am starting to see its effects. I have incorporated grains back into my diet and it has slowed me down. Despite the fact that the grains I have been consuming have been clean, even still, I know it is the grains that tend to 'collect/retain' and slow my progress. So again, I am going to have to clean up my diet. Goodbye grains. I am also going to have to start drinking even more water. I drink 8 glasses currently, of course some days I get close. But I need to drink more than this to supplement my workout routine.

While I'm cleaning up my act, I am also determined to work harder at strength training, particularly the upper body. I love doing cardio and strength training the lower body. But when it comes to the upper body, I am not motivated. I just do random training for this mostly because I'm unsure of myself when it comes to the upper body and I know I am weak. Or the polar opposite on gym weekends, I confidently kill it at my upper body workout but only when DH is with me because he pushes me to the next level and I like that motivational support. But no more excuses of time restraints or the insecurities I have doing upper body by myself!

But I have to stick with the 'Lift to Burn' 4 week training program (which incorporates a lot of upper body). My game plan for the next 4 weeks is to go to bed at 8/830p and get up at 4a and be in the gym by 430a so that I have adequate time to do all my strength training and all my cardio. I'm also switching it up and doing a 10 min cardio warm-up, then my strength training first and cardio last!

I tried this routine this morning and it seemed to work very well and I really liked it. However I was really exhausted by the time I got to do cardio, but I knew I pushed it hard training. I know I am going to be totally grumpy having to get up an extra hour earlier than I do already. But that reminds me of a quote I love – "I may miss sleeping in...but my pillow doesn't feel as good as skinny does!"  I am going to have to tape this to my bathroom mirror so it can motivate me at 4am –all bleary, crusty eyed and bed headed. I'm determined though.

Today's Workout:
Arrived: 515a   /   Departure: 755a
Zumba: 710p / 830p

• 10/11 minute warm-up: elliptical  Level 8.  2.45miles  94 calories
• Strength Training – Lift to Burn Program: 40 mins  114 calories
• StairMaster: 20 mins   Level 8  100 floors  220.40 calories
• Treadmill - Running: 13.38 mins   1 mile   100 calories  
• Zumba - 1 hour   516 calories

Chest –
• Chest Press: 2 sets of 8 @ 30lbs
• Bench Press: 2 sets of 10 @ 10lbs
• Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 10 @ 10lbs
• Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets of 20 @ 10 lbs

Triceps –
• Tricep Bench Dips: 3 sets of 10 @ (body weight)
• Tricep Kick Backs: 4 sets of 10 @ 10lbs
• Overhead Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 20 @ 10lbs

It's time to clean up + focus and finish this!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 93.

We had traveled to MS for the holiday weekend to visit everyone and do some outdoor fitness adventures. But all that was awash, it was so stormy from Tropical Storm Lee... there really wasn't much else to do other than stay indoors. All the local gyms were closed. I did manage to fit in an indoor dvd Zumba session with Emc2.  But DH+I couldn't stay indoors all day... so we decided to go shopping!

I have been desperately needing to go shopping as well as avoiding it also. I bet you are thinking - Why Avoiding?!? You've lost 20lbs! Why not be excited to go shopping?!!! Well as I have mentioned before, the tightwad in me does not want to go shopping and spend money on new clothes that I will have to turn around and sell in a yard sale because I've under-grown them once I've achieved my final goal weight.

But... I couldn't resist getting some new jeans + shorts. I purchased a pair of shorts at a discount store for $3. I purposely bought a size 5 shorts solely because I figured I could either wear them in a few months on warm days (again, I live in Florida, it usually doesn't get 'cold' until late November if we are lucky) or I could wear these next summer, maybe. :) I also purchased 3 shirts in a size small, all in the $3-5 bucks each range. I have not been able to wear a size small since high school ...and that really fraile starving artist phase during my sophomore/junior year of college.  I purchased smaller sizes for the reason that I could eventually work my way down into these as I near my goal weight and it would not be a complete waste of money.

We also went to Old Navy for jeans. DH urged me to get some new jeans at American Eagle (i heart the jeans there) but again, I did not want to spend more than 20 bucks on jeans at this point in the game. So Old Navy was where I decided that I could get jeans and live with myself once I have to yard sale later. I was not thrilled over the fact that I was going to have to play the dressing room game. I grabbed a random range of sizes I knew that 'maybe' I was going to currently be in - size 8, size 6 and then I grabbed a size 4 which I knew there was no way that I could fit in. And of course, remembering that Old Navy jeans sizing is wrongfully skewed. The waistlines are larger, the number sizes are smaller in order to make us all feel like waif mannequin model rockstars.

So I'm in the flatteringly lit dressing room aka House of Trickery + Mirrors... and I try on the 8. WAY TOO BIG! I try on the 6... WAY TOO BIG.  no.  my next option is the 4. no. way. not possible. I pull up the 4... slowly up the thighs... the jeans pull up with unbelievable ease. Jeans meet hips. I button, zip. It fits! It comfortably fits. Holy Smokes whoa. That is insane. I'm slightly proud except for the fact that the subliminal bug of Old Navy's skewed jeans size is not the true reality. Which means... I may be an ON Size 4. But what am I really?    even still... the fat girl is totally excited that she just comfortably squeezed her keister into a size 4. a SIZE 4! I haven't been down into a single digit past 8 since... well... since high school/college! whoa.

Later, I get home... feeling a little shopping high.... I decide to try on the smaller clothes that I purchased at the discount store. I'm not sure what I was thinking... but I went for it anyway. I started with the shirts. The long sleeve shirt in small didn't fit yet... okay, that's cool. The next shirt, a floral short sleeve button down, size small, I slip it on and button. It fits! and rather loosely too! whoa. okay, that's even cooler! The next size small shirt, a tank, I slip on, it fits also and loosely too! whoooa... that is super cool!  And lastly the size 5 shorts... knowingly, I prepare myself for the shorts to get 'stuck' on my thighs. I slip the shorts on... I pull them up... I move slower now along the thighs, but these easily slide on up. shorts meets hips. No... this can't be! So I prepare myself - "you're not going to be able to button these, its going to be okay." I go for the button – Snap.  o.m.gee. the shorts just buttoned.

I have on a pair of SIZE 5 shorts!!!! SIZE 5!!!!  The fat girl in me is cartwheeling! I have not been able to wear a size 5 since high school!!!!  the skinny girl is a skeptic and reminds me that these may be a woman's department size 5 unlike the normal juniors department clothes I'm accustom to wearing.

But regardless... the former fat girl is going to celebrate that I own clothing now that says: Size 4 + 5 and Small! Instead of sizes 14+12 and Large + XL.  I'm going to slightly ignore the skeptic and toot a horn! I'm just glad to know that I've made it this far and it excites me to push harder to get to the final goal so that I can finally reward myself with a new wardrobe!

So Goodbye Baggy Diaper Butt and Double Digit Sizes! Hello new Single Digit sizes!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 90.

Weight: 126.20

And then... reality struck. [insert tummy butterflies here]. Today I received an email confirmation for the Zumba Instructors Certification class on October 22nd.  This is one of my rewards on my weight loss bucket list was becoming a certified Zumba instructor!  It has seemed like a big pipe dream until today. The wheels were set into motion, billing info and registration / class fees were exchanged and confirmation was received.  And then my stomach floated into my throat. Oh my gosh. This is really happening! ieee! I can't even describe the assortment of mixed emotions I have about this. Excitement, Happiness, Scary "First Day of School" type Nervousness, Butterflies and Vomit. That pretty much sums it up!

On another note - I rocked it out in the gym this morning! I pushed past my mental comfort level on the treadmill and achieved a new personal record!  I ran 2 miles in 27.55 mins at 4.3 mph. It was so awesome to push myself past my comfort zone. At the end of mile 2, I was starting to have some mental struggles. I can see how mile 3 might be mentally frustrating for me – but I will overcome this!

Of course, my mile 2 mental struggle may have been from my previous cardio endeavors (see below) before I started running. I was fighting with myself. My mind was telling me to "STOP!–your tired! Enough is enough! You cannot go any further!"  But I did go further....Maybe it will be easier if perhaps I will just run without working out before my run... I will try it out this weekend if possible. Anyway, I very excited about my running progress... and can see how it can become addictive.

As the day is progressing I am noticing that I am quite sore. my left "crunchy" knee is achey. chest sore. abs sore. legs sore. hips sore. thighs sore. body sore. I can't wait to get these remaining 16 lbs off my frame so perhaps running can be even more enjoyable! ..... but I count muscle soreness as a successful workout!

So question to my fellow runners... Do you get sore after running or are you past that point? If so, what is sore? What bothers you during or after longer runs?

Another lesson I learned today was that – regardless of how small amount of measurement - a 1/2 cup of regular milk - does not make for a happy tummy! The tummy was making loud, scary obnoxious noises and horrible cramps. It was totally angry over the fact that I had to use real milk in my protein powder because I was out of coconut milk. Next time, I will use water if I am ever out! Lesson Learned! Never again will I do that! Ugh! It made for an uncomfortable work day.

Today's workout:
arrived at gym: 525a
departed gym: 655a

20 min @ Level 6 incline - 4.00 miles / 173 calories

20 min @ Level 8 - 100 floors / 217 calories

27.55 min Run @ 4.3 mph - 2 miles / 153 calories

Series of Post-Cardio Workout Stretches

Tonight we are traveling back to home to mississippi. I plan on sticking to my routine of eating clean and working out while on the road. Last weekend we traveled there and I managed to eat super clean while on the road and got in some amazing workouts which lead to the weight loss jump between Day 83. and Day 88. The last time I traveled I actually packed a cooler full of fresh fruits, veggies and my coconut milk, and in a separate bag was all my dry goods like granolas, oatmeal, GF breads, protein powders, supplements, etc. So I didn't have to worry about meals since I already had everything I needed and managed to stay on track. That is what I am planning to do on this extended weekend trip.

TGIF! + Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 89.

Weight: 126.80

Today is the day of my Mini Goal #2 which is: "Weigh 125 lbs by September 1st."
And I missed my goal by 1 lb. Am I upset? Absolutely not! As of yesterday, I achieved one of my most important goals on this journey which was lose 20 lbs. (the over halfway marker of my journey!) Who cares if I missed my second mini goal... I have achieved my biggest obstacle yet with amazing results!

And I feel absolutely great! My body literally feels so different and better! It's like I have discovered the fountain of youth! And rightly so! See that photo above... that is what 20 lbs of fat looks like. THAT is what I have been carrying around with me in my body! This is the junk that has been putting a burden on my health! So technically yes! since I have lost this 20 lbs I have found the fountain of youth!

So Goodbye 20 lbs! Goodbye 140s! Goodbye 130s!
And I'm currently working on my Goodbye for the 120s!

This morning I decided it was time to take my measurements since I have not made any new recordings since August 13. I wasn't expecting too much since this month has seemed like a slow scale month but again the inches does not ever lie, even when the scale seems to be in slow motion.

August 13th vs. September 1st:
August 13th
Bust: 39
Stomach: 32.5
Hips: 35
Butt: 38
Thighs: 21.5

September 1st
Bust: 38.5
Stomach: 30.5
Hips: 34
Butt: 37
Thighs: 21
Measurement differences from 8/13-9/1:  Bust - .5" Stomach - 2" Hips - 1" Butt - 1" Thighs - .5"

This just proves to those readers out there who may be getting discouraged by their scale not moving, to not give up! The scale numbers may not be moving, but those inches most certainly are! So if you are keeping up with your measurements, you will see results! I highly recommend to those of you who are trying to lose weight to also take and record your measurements along with keeping track of your scale weight. You will be able to see the progress made and that is a more satisfying motivation.  I try to measure every 2 weeks when I can remember to do so, in case you were all wondering how often to measure.

What is even more exciting are these measurement numbers:

June 16th vs. September 1st:
June 16th
Bust: 42
Stomach: 37
Hips: 40.5
Butt: 39
Thighs: 23

September 1st
Bust: 38.5
Stomach: 30.5
Hips: 34
Butt: 37
Thighs: 21

Measurement differences from 6/16-9/1:  Bust - 3.5" Stomach - 6.5" Hips - 6.5" Butt - 2" Thighs - 2"

Holy Cats! I've lost 6.5 inches along my entire midsection and have lost 3 cup sizes of bust! It is insane! I can and can't believe that I was that huge! 42 and 40 inches blows my mind, especially for my 5' frame!  

But I can believe it since I have an entire wardrobe now that is sitting in garbage bags awaiting yard sale day. This weekend I plan on going to buy some 'temporary' jeans (I've been wearing lots of tights and dresses that I can cinch in) and I also desperately need to go buy some underwear. But again, I'm not getting an entire new wardrobe just yet since I have 16 lbs left to go before completion. And so if I buy new clothes now, later next month I will not be able to wear them and will also have to sell them in the yard sale. I am waiting on doing a yard sale until I am completely done. I've been shopping for clothing essentials at the thrift and consignment stores since again, these are only temporary sizes until I achieve my final goal weight.  But this is a new and wonderful problem to have!

I am so proud of the progress I have made and am looking forward to the remainder of the journey ahead. So when I am asked today about how I feel about not exactly making my mini goal on time, I can exclaim that I am proud of what I have achieved, how far I've come and the progress I've made. :)

I feel already like I have a new lease on life! So....

Happy Weight Loss Goal Birthday to me!