Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 36.

 Weight: 141

Sharing a photo of my dinner meal.
RAW FOOD MEAL: Zucchini "Pasta" with Garlic + Tomato (recipe soon)

This evening I thought I would try something different and have a completely RAW meal. I have to admit I enjoyed eating a completely "raw" meal. I had my concerns... not because it was raw or that I wouldn't like it, but for the fact that large amounts of "raw" veggies have harsh negative effects to my tummy. 

Sadly, I can't eat raw broccoli lavishly dipped into any type of dressing anymore. Raw broccoli sends my stomach reeling in painful cramps, its tragic really because I love raw broccoli! I like that crunch! These days I have to steam it and eat in small moderate amounts. I also had the same thing happen with a decent amounts of raw squash, eggplant, cauliflower, and bell peppers. If I do eat these raw - it has to be in small portions. Otherwise I'm curled up tightly in a fetal position, waving my white flag of surrender.

SO as you can understand, I was quite concerned that this raw pasta would have me in fits of a stomach ache later. The entire time thinking "what am I doing?!"  But I was presently surprised I had not and actually felt great post-meal! Not only that I was safe but this meal was also hearty and I was very satisfied afterward. 

I am definitely now more curious in trying more raw recipes and seeing what else is out there that is amazingly healthy+tasty in this raw food realm.

Yay! for taking healthy risks! :)

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