Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 76.

So I'm kind of frustrated about this week...Not that it was all entirely bad. Its just that... I didn't push hard enough this week. My schedule was pending to be 'out-of-routine' and I let it get into my head I guess. I was already feeling a bit exhausted from pushing hard at strength training over the weekend.

But my week's gym routine was sooo weak. And I was suppose to start a new fierce strength training routine – that did not happen either. What is wrong! Typically I can mentally push myself to keep going and giving it my all, but I guess my mind needs a rest day too.

So here was this week's workout schedule -
 Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday - Elliptical Trainer 15 mins,  Strength Training 15 mins, Zumba 60 mins.  (so typically I do the Elliptical for 20-25 mins. I strength train from 30-60 mins. I totally skimped on this day and why? I slept late until 530a and I didn't get to the gym until 6a. which left me absolutely no time to get in a decent workout! rar. Zumba saved the day.)

Wednesday - Elliptical Trainer 15 mins, Stair Climber level 8, 100 steps 20 mins, Treadmill Cool-Down  10 mins   (this day wasn't too bad, I worked up a really good sweat. But I should have stepped it up. I should have pushed forward to 20-25 mins on the Ellip. I should have pushed to "run" a fast 5min on the Treadmill and I should have strength trained if I had gotten there earlier.)

Thursday - I missed my morning gym workout because I choose to sleep late until 7a. why?! because I stayed up late 'working' on a project until 1030p the night before. I can't NOT get a decent nights sleep and be prepared to perform well at the gym.  I did go to Zumba 60 mins tonight.  Thank goodness! Again, Zumba saves the day.

Again, I'm concerned about tomorrow morning, because its 10p now and I am still awake and on the computer. AND... I still need to get a shower!!! I have to get up early tomorrow and bust it in the gym! Absolutely have to! No excuses! So what if my butt is dragging at work... at least I did it!

I am definitely going to have to bust my butt in the gym this weekend! No excuses! Seriously!
And I've decided that I will just start my new strength training workout at the start of the next week. Fresh Starts, Right?! right.

So I say this was my 'mental rest' week... next week its on!!!! I have some amazing life changing, very physically challenging goals ahead of me in October, November and in March! I have to train hard and be ready for all the great obstacles ahead!

Well... I need to sign off to get cleaned up and get some rest for tomorrow. Sleep is vital for the body's recovery! I'm going to go practice that now!


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